Online vs. Offline Tuitions – A Quick Comparison

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The term online tuition is quite common right now, yet a few people are still unfamiliar with this form of learning. The fact is IQ among the students is not the same. Therefore, some students may need some extra guidance apart from the learning of school in one or a few subjects.

What to Do?

A student can get that extra guidance either from the offline coaching classes or from the virtual classes. If you are confused, you may go through a quick comparison of online and offline tuitions and resolve your doubts.

online education

Quality of Learning

The purpose of online as well as offline tuitions is to clear the concepts or theories or methods which are given in the textbooks. Therefore, you need to check that the extra guidance provider is supplying excellent quality notes and explanations.

In the offline coaching classes, you will find that 15-20 students are in each lot, which may appear as a miniature classroom of the school. It means it may lack the particular guidance you need.

It becomes even problematic for the introvert students as they feel reluctant to ask any method or question to the tutor. As a result, the chapter may still appear unclear even after taking extra guidance.

In online tuitions, a student will be highly satisfied because, in that virtual environment, the student will be the only learner of the Online Tutor in that time slot. So, asking questions or clearing doubts (again and again) will not be an issue.

Due to easier interaction with the tutor, quality learning is superior here. It is probably the biggest benefit of online tuition.

Attractiveness and Creativity

In offline coaching classes, tutors mostly twist the bookish matter and represent that to the students. On the other side, the lessons are designed by experts who have experience of 10 years in an attractive way. These literally grab the attention of the learner.

Along with that, the subject matter is presented to the students in a creative way during online classes. For example, during CBSE Physics Tuition, you may get the explanation of a chapter using PowerPoint Presentation or some other software. Imagine how interesting your learning will be during online tuition!

It deserves mention that your understanding of the subject will be improved because of these well-designed lessons and easy explanations of the tutors.


Ok, now let’s admit, for the sake of tuition class, you have definitely compromised your favorite game once or twice. Dear, it’s not you only, almost everyone has faced this.

Offline tuition has a fixed time, which you cannot alter. But when it is online tuition, you will be offered with flexibility. One of the biggest perks of online tuition is you can opt for it any time — Online tuitions can be scheduled according to your time so that you can learn easily and comfortably without compromising with your favorite pass times.

Notes vs. Download

Just imagine, the exam is knocking at the door, and you have lost your chemistry copy of the tuition class. Can you imagine what a disaster it will be?

But during online tuition, there will be no worry of losing the copies. Everything will be available in PDF, and if you mistakenly deleted the file, you can re-download that. From this perspective, online tuition is definitely a better and safer choice.

Revision and Test

Your offline tutor schedules a date for test or revision, but if you missed that, your test might not be taken again.

In online tuitions, you can revise the lesson any time with a click! Similarly, you may test yourself any time you want using the sample test papers.

online tuition

Parents’ Supervision

In case a student is inattentive, the parents are worried about his or her learning, and sending them to the tuition class does not release this tension. They feel that their child may not attend the class and play mobile games. It may result in improper learning with extra guidance.

In this matter, online tuition allows the parents to monitor the child’s learning throughout the session.

That’s all about the comparison! We are never against the offline tuitions. But without demeaning the offline coaching classes, it’s not wrong to claim that the future of learning is online tuition, and the reasons are quite clear through the comparison.